
On March 11, 2020, the Governor declared a State of Emergency in Arizona due to the COVID-19 outbreak. See Governor Ducey's Arizona Together website here. (En Español.)
Arizona 2-1-1 has a page with a variety of individual, family, and business resources. Many of the resources listed below are also available through 2-1-1.
Call 877-211-8661 to access 211
through video relay
Local First Arizona also has a page with business-related resources, including US Small Business Administration loan assistance.
FEDERAL Contacts:
Congressman O'Halleran
The AZ Department of Education has guidance to schools and parents available here.
Interactive map of schools with grab-and-go meals available here; this is a list of sites at which meals are available
Information from the US Department of Education on providing services to children with disabilities is available here.
The Arizona State Stay-At-Home order ended on May 15th. Businesses, Restaurants and other community areas are under strict health guidelines. Wear a mask in public.
See all COVID 19 Executive orders here.
The AZ Department of Health Services has a status page with information about cases in AZ, testing, and links to other resources.
Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center is also now available to take calls from Arizona providers and the general public on COVID-19: 1-844-542-8201.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains a general COVID-19 information page, which includes links to other federal resources.​
The CDC also has a one-page fact sheet with resources here.
And this page from the CDC includes information for households with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, including information about disinfecting households
The Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Counsel hosts a page specific to the disability community. You can also view other resources below:
COVID Fact Sheet
Plain Language COVID-19 information
Administration for Community Living
Arizona 2-1-1 or relay line 520-775-1899 is another resource available to the disability community.
COVID-19 Hotline: 1-844-542-8201
Seniors hard of hearing or deaf can text the Area Agency on Aging Senior Help Line at 520-775-1899.
The AZ Department of Economic Security is maintaining a page with general COVID-19 related services. It includes information about unemployment insurance, assistance programs including SNAP and TANF, and child care assistance.
Community Action Agencies can help Arizonans with the following:
utility or mortgage assistance
eviction or foreclosure prevention assistance
rental deposits
emergency shelter
DES is also maintaining several hotlines, including:
Family Assistance: 855-432-7587
Child Support: 800-882-4151
Unemployment: 602-364-2722
DES Mainline: 602-542-4791
Seniors in need of assistance getting groceries can call the Area Agency on Aging’s 24-Hour Senior Help Line at 602-264-HELP (602-264-4357) or toll free at 888-264-2258.
Those hard of hearing or deaf can text 520-775-1899
Several grocery chains—including Bashas, Food City, and AJ’s—have announced that they will be open between 5 am and 6 am only for customers 65 years and older.
Duet also has guidance and resource information available here for seniors and caregivers.
ordenes ejecutivas del Gobernador Ducey:
Agencias gubernarnamentales:
Oficina del Gobernador Ducey
Departamento de Servicios de Salud de Arizona (ADHS)
Centros Para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedade (CDC)
Departamento de Seguridad Economica (DES)
Organizaciones Comunitarias:
Guía de Programas de las comidas escolares
PUENTE Movement: El siguiente es un documento de recursos comunitarios con información sobre recursos médicos, comidas gratuitas para familias y niños, e información sobre citas de USCIS y centros de detención.
Pequeños negocios
Asociación para personas de la tercera edad (AARP)
Consejos de la CDC
Información Por y Para Personas con Discapacidades - y linea directa COVID-19: 1-844-542-8201
Recursos en Español
AARP has multiple resources on their website available below:
Coronavirus Checklist for Older Adults
CEO Response
Latest News and Information on Tele-Town Halls
BeConnected is available for
Arizona veterans to identify and
contact resources.
Phone: 1-866-429-8387
The Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona has a help line for Tribal members: 1-800-552-9257.
The Indian Health Service also has a page with COVID-19 information, including FAQs about testing and funding.
United Way’s COVID-19 Community Economic Relief Fund can provide information about local agencies with available assistance: 866-211-9966
The AZ Department of Housing operates an eviction prevention pilot program. For information on the program as well as program contacts, please see this page.
The Landlord and Tenant Program can be found here.
Many utilities, including APS, SRP, Southwest Gas, City of Mesa utilities, Phoenix water, Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T have announced that they will not disconnect service and many have waived late fees. For specific information, reach out to these services directly.
APS announcement with contact information.
SRP information page with contacts.
TEP announcement, customer service is available at this number: 520-623-7711
Cox has implemented several changes to its residential service, including upgrading broadband speeds, waiving late fees related to the pandemic, and opening Wi-Fi hotspots. More information is available here.
Apply for nutrition assistance (food stamps), Medicaid (AHCCCS) and
cash assistance at:
Telephone assistance available:
The following organizations host pages regarding local, state and federal resources:
The Arizona Commerce Committee hosts a page with business related resources during the COVID-19 crisis.
The federal Small Business Association will be providing disaster assistance to small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is intended to provide low-interest working capital to small business suffering substantial economic injury.
Volunteer Health Professionals can access Advanced Registration here.
Family Assistance: 855-432 7587
Child Support: 800-882-4151
Unemployment: 602-364-2722
DES Mainline: 602-542-4791
Area Agency on Aging: Call 602-264-4357
or 888-264-2258, Text: 520-775-1899
Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center: 1-844-542-8201.
Inter-Tribal Council of Arizona: 1-800-552-9257
United Way COVID-19 Community Relief Fund: 866-211-9966
Don't Forget: Important Contacts
Do you qualify for rental
assistance through the Arizona COVID Relief Program?
Take the Self-Assessment here.