PHOENIX, State Capitol - House Democratic Leader Charlene Fernandez released the following statement today on a referendum called for by Gov. Ducey and introduced by House Republicans today banning so-called "sanctuary cities," which are already banned under Arizona law. If passed, HCR2036 would go before voters in the November election.
"This is not leadership - not from the Governor, or from the Republican caucus," said Fernandez, D-Yuma. "Real leaders work to unite us, not divide us. Sanctuary cities are already against the law in Arizona. This is just a fearful and cynical attempt to hold onto power in the next election by turning Arizonans against each other and putting a target on the backs of the Latino community.
Arizona is tired of this. We don't want a police state. Our business community doesn't want to invest and grow in a place where one community is scapegoated and politicians enflame racial divisions, especially not in a state where many of our Latino ancestors never crossed a border, the border crossed them.
Since SB1070 passed, there has been incredible growth and empowerment for Arizona's Latino community as a direct reaction. There were 13 Latinos in the Legislature when that bill passed, now there are 23 of us, including two Republicans. The buying power of the Latino community will surpass $57 billion by 2022. With this needless referendum, Republicans are telling our community loudly and clearly, we're suspicious of you and you're not welcome here.
If Arizonans want this kind of devision - instead of focusing on our schools, infrastructure and other more pressing issues - then Joe Arpaio would still be Sheriff, Russell Pearce would still be in the Legislature, and the minimum wage would still be $8.05 an hour. Our state has moved on and moved forward. This would be another national black eye for Arizona and a shameful legacy for Governor Ducey."